I tried sneaking a few mails about midnight last night, but my boss was like a fox he called me soonest i sent the mails (i was wondering how he knew it because he was not copied) and virtually ordered me to shut down my laptop right at that moment. He knew too that I was on the phone with a colleague from Bangalore, discussing some proposal that had to go out the day after.
Nope, i wasn't fired nor did i do anything worth kicking my professional ass. I was made to rest. Sounds nice huh? Your boss asking you to rest.
I did not like the feeling of being singled out initially, when others are equally stressed out with work. But what the heck, how many times do these things happen.
Now that I have been forced to it (not to touch mails and do work when home), i seem to feel a little bit relaxed. Little intermittent chest pains are still here and there from the intense stress of the last 2 weeks, but in general the feeling is good, and breathing is not labored and especially enjoyable, knowing no one is chasing you today.
In reflection, i felt it was also necessary that someone has to pull me out from the day-to-day work, even just for a day, because I seem to be actually incapable of extricating myself from the everyday work these past 4 months.
While i seriously hate having to work on weekends and late nights and curse (a hell lot now, i believe) from the bottom of my ass every time i hear the word 'urgent' from people who use it as a standard adjective for every thing they want, i am also unable to prevent myself from saying no to work and on these requests on weekends.
Someone from Change Management actually told me that I need to say No to Work when it is not time for work (i.e. weekends, weeknights, holidays). Sound simple, but not when you think there is no one else who can do the work but you.
Which I know is not true at all! But that is what you and people around you unconsciously think when you have been doing it for quite some time and your colleagues have been pretty much dependent on your brain on anything that has to do with telecom. Which I wonder whether it is good or bad?
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